Using Chronicle Scribe Oracle with Scaffold-Eth-2

Chronicle offers many highly reliable Oracles across ethereum and Layer 2s (and beyond) which provide smart contracts with access to real-world pricing information to power DeFi use cases.

In this guide, we will walk through how to get set up with the Scaffold-Eth repository so that you can quickly experiment with dApps which leverage the power of Chronicle’s Scribe Oracles!

This guide is designed to be accessible to beginners.


Before we download the Scaffold-Eth repository, make sure you have these installed:

Chronicle has no system dependencies for this implementation.

Getting started with Scaffold-Eth-2

Now that we have Node, Foundry and Git installed, we can copy the Scaffold-Eth-2 repository and start setting it up! These steps are modified slightly from Option 2 in the Scaffold-Eth Installation Guide.

In your terminal, run the following to clone the repository.

git clone <>

Navigate into the new repository and bootstrap the project.

cd scaffold-eth-2
npx create-eth@latest

This will open a terminal dialogue which first asks you to input a project name, then select the solidity framework you want to use. Select foundry.


Install the packages as prompted, then wait for your new project to be initialized.